Whats an example of Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals?
Short term goals vs. long term goals.
I am not really sure but can anybody give me some examples of short term goals and long term goals.
I am getting a bit confused about the difference.
Josi's response
Hi Ching,
The way that I see it is that short term goals are for the next week or month and long term goals anywhere from 6 months to a few years/lifetime.
At the moment I am trying to lose weight. My short term goal is to go running 3 times a week, and to eat a healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner six times each week.
So the way that I see it, these are weekly goals. They are my short term goals.
However, my overall long term goal (life goal) is to lose weight and to get healthy. I have a long term goal to lose 18kg and to run 5 miles without stopping.
Kim's response
Short term goals are what you need to do to accomplish your long term goals.
For example, to go to a university and get a degree is a long term goal.
To make a study chart and have a goal to study every day for at least 2 hours is a short term goal.
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