Study Tips to Study Smarter (rather than longer)

Study tips to spend less time at the desk and get better grades with less stress.

Each year I coordinate 3 units at university with an average of about 600 students in each unit. Many of my own students tell me that they

  • haven’t got time to do their readings
  • leave their work to the last minute
  • are stressed and overwhelmed as they lurch from one panicked deadline to the next
  • cram and do all nighters
  • feel guilty for taking days off. 

My goal is share with you some of the study tips and techniques to deal with these common issues. It is to give you the tools to hand in better work and receive higher marks with less stress and overwhelm.

To do this I focus on three areas.

Study tips should focus on three thingsStudy tips should focus the above three things

First is time management. This is a transferable skill that is critical to the student success. 

Free Study Skills Course

In this study skills course we combine student time management, with self management, and some of the latest brain research so that you can study smarter (rather than longer).

Then it is about self management. In order to manage your time you must be able to manage yourself. Do you start your semester with the best of intentions and then fall into the same habits and behavior? Here we give you a techniques to turn your should’s to done.

Then once you have the first two pieces in place it is about studying smarter (rather than longer). But which study tips and tricks work scientifically to give you the maximum “bang for your buck”. After all, wouldn't it be nice to get study smarter (rather than longer), get good grades, and have a balanced life. 

academic planner

1. Use an academic planner for the 30,000 foot overview

Have you ever got half way through your terms and realized that you have exams, study, unread readings, and assignments? Not to mention Aunt Mildred's birthday that you promised to go to! Avoid bottlenecks of activity by using a visual academic planner...Read More...

study schedule

2. What does Goldilocks' porridge and a weekly study schedule have in common?

You can juggle many demands and it can be easy to put the important difficult things off until the last minute...or even worse, an assignment due date slips through unnoticed. This is where you need a study schedule...Read More...

study tip

3. A study tip so you don't fall for your own procrastination pick-up lines?

There are also some pick-up lines that take us off our goal to study and lead us to procrastinate. This study tip gets you to build an intention plan making it more likely you will stay on task...Read More...

study techniques

4. How to study effectively

Cramming is a study technique that we are all familiar with. However cramming leads to rapid forgetting. Here we talk about a better way to study that leads greater recall of information and doesn't involve you being chained to the desk for an 8 hour study session....Read More...

student time management tips

5. It is not just about student time management tips

Student time management is one of the most important skills to manage your study and get good grades. My experience working with 2,000 students a year is that it is not just about time management. Getting good grades with less stress is also about self management and studying smarter...Read More...

time management for students matrix

6. Become a Q2 Student

168...this is the number of hours in a week. If you are student this probably does not feel like it is enough to get all of your assignments done, projects to do, or tests to study for.The time management for students matrix shows you ways to spend your time more wisely...Read More...

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