Achieve Your Goals in 5 Steps

Make your personal Navman to achieve your goals

Before we had highways and flight-paths, sailors navigated using the stars, sextons and compasses. Today we use satellite mapping and simply obey – we do what the mapping machine tells us to do. 

To achieve your goals, you need to make your personalized equivalent of the Navman that simply takes you where you need to go.

Just like the sailors of old, the first step is to set your direction. You need to set your Lighthouse Goals to steer toward.

What is a Lighthouse Goal?

A Lighthouse Goal is our eventual destination – as with all journeys we begin with the end in mind.

Achieve Your Goals and Set Your DirectionAchieve Your Goals Correctly and Control the Direction of Change In Your Favor

As with any journey we know that sometimes we may veer off the path, crises and storms blow us off our track - and when the destination is far away it is easy to lose sight of where we are going.

The solution is to break the trip into manageable pieces.


So that you can reward, reconsider and re-calibrate – taking into account present conditions.

There is a scientific formula to break this smaller trip into pieces that ensures that you give yourself the best chance of reaching your destination and achieving goal setting success.

We make this very straightforward for you with our 5D Process. 

5 Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Below find a simple and clear methodology to:

  1. Determine your Lighthouse Goal
  2. Distinguish your top 3 goals
  3. Decide on time required 
  4. Delay or de-prioritize goals and actions outside these
  5. Defend your decisions to yourself and others  

Captain Picard in Star Trek was famous for the command, “Make it so.” 

The best map and the best intentions will come to nothing if we don’t then commit to start the process. Scheduling means allocating time-slots in real time to complete the chunks we have planned. Recovery points make sure we keep on course. Time for these re-calibrations must also be plotted into the map. 

Achieve your goals with our 'Goal Setting' GPS by simply following the links below. Your first draft can be complete in an hour or maybe 2. Then plot the time in your calendar – in no time at all you will be back in the captain’s seat of your life and your work!

The 5D Approach to Setting and Achieving Your Goals

setting goals

1. Determine Your Long Term Lighthouse Goals

Setting goals begins with the end in mind. Establishing your destination is key to getting anywhere at all. The same thing is true for setting goals and achieving them. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before you start...Read More...

setting goals

2. Distinguish Your Top 3: When Less Means More

When everything is important nothing is important. Spreading yourself too thin is the enemy of achieving your goals. How to achieve goals involves have a quarterly meeting with yourself and asking one simple question...Read More...

setting goals

3. Decide on the Time Required with the 90 Day Goal Setting Worksheet

Use this goal setting worksheet to turn pie in the sky goals into reality in real time. A common goal setting mistake is that we set deadlines but don't set schedules - this  worksheet turns your goals into reality...Read More...

free time management tips

4. De-prioritize the rest with these time management tips

Fielding emails, managing conflicts, constant interruptions, daily living requirements – all these things and many others get in the way of doing what is most important. There are really 2 types of activities that take you off your game...Read More...

effective time management

5. Defend Your Goals with Effective Time Management

Effective time management is about working smarter in the right direction - the direction of your highest priorities. The problem is that just because you organize a great schedule the demands on your time will not cease. These 4 tips...Read More...

Other important and relevant Goal Setting articles

There is a science to the art of goal setting. It starts with SMART goal setting (which is based on sound goal setting theory) and using relevant goal setting templates. But it doesn't end there, eventually a time committment to achieve your goals is required - this means  translating what you are trying to achieve into time committments into your calendar.

setting goals

6. A Scientific Formula for Setting Goals

There is a scientific formula for setting goals that has been tested on thousands, if not millions of people all over the world. This formula for success can be summed up in one short acronym...Read More...

time management matrix

7. One of the Most Useful Time Management Skills to Achieve Your Goals

Every minute of every day we are exercising choice as to how we spend our time. The time management matrix is a litmus test for how time and the value of our output interconnect...Read More...

goal setting theory

8. Goal Setting Theory

Not using the principles of goal setting theory is the main reason why many people fail to achieve their goals. Locke and Latham identified five characteristics of goal setting that were particularly important...Read More...

smart goal examples

9. SMART Goal Setting examples

Luckily there is a scientific formula for setting and achieving your goals. Whether you set long or short term goals, SMART goals is the way to go. Use these SMART goal examples as ideas to increase your own productivity...Read More...

goal setting templates

10. Free Goal Setting Templates

Now LIFE goals sound really BIG and IMPORTANT...and can feel little overwhelming as well. However, with the right goal setting template you methodically break down the largest goals into smaller, more manageable bite-sized pieces...Read More...

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