What is time management about?

by Ben

What is time management about?

Is it about To Do Lists and general organization, or is it something more?


Kell's response

This is a good time management question Ben.

If you think about it, not matter who we are or what we do, all of us have 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This means that we can’t really manage our time, because regardless of what we do it time moves on.
This means that the concept of 'Time management' is really an oxymoron.

What actually time management is about is managing ourselves in relation to time.

This means that time management is more than simple 'to do lists' but rather how we organize ourselves in relation to time.

This is important – in fact it gets down to overall life impact.

For example, if we manage ourselves well then we ensure that our high value activities are completed. These are:
  • high impact activities at work that really drive our performance,

  • spending quality time with those that you care deeply about,

  • spending time pursuing your passion, health or hobby.

If we manage ourselves poorly then we live a life of low impact in which time is wasted excessively. In the work context this might be the feeling that we are busy but not really making any traction in our KPIs and at home it may be spending excessive time in front of the TV.

If you want to get the most out of your day then effective time management gives you the planning tools to ensure that you protect and do your high impact activities.

Here we provide structured time management courses that put the principles of sound time management to practice.

All the best,


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