What are SMART goals?

What are SMART goals?


Nov 30, 2010: Kell's response to SMART goals

Hi Mike,

SMART goals are an acronym for goal setting success.

Basically S.M.A.R.T goals stand for:

S Specific goals

M Measurable goals

A Action-based goals (Although some people use 'Attainable')

R Realistic goals

T Time-sensitive goals

By setting goals that are SMART you greatly increase your chances of goal setting success.

For example, setting the goal "to lose weight" is a very general goal and according to goal setting theory is harder to achieve than a SMART goal.

By making your goals SMART this goal "to lose weight" could be transformed into "I want to lose 5 pounds in 4 weeks time".

Here are some steps to setting SMART goals.

Then the next step would be to set clear short-term goals to achieve this.

Hope this is useful.

All the best,


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