What are six facts on effective time management?

What are six facts on effective time management?

Kell's response

There are a number of time management facts but probably the six most relevant facts that have been borne out by most research is:

  1. Planning your work reduces execution time.
  2. There are a number of planning tools but what is important is that you take time to do your long-term planning and then ensure that your weekly planning on a time management schedule protects these high impact activities.

  3. Distractions reduce focus and reduce productivity.
  4. If you are in an open plan office then you will be interrupted on average once every 3 minutes. Look for ways to actively reduce your interruptions.

  5. Multitasking is not an effective time management technique.
  6. fMRI studies show that when you multitask your brain has to turn on and then off every time it attends a new task. This is an inefficient use of energy.

  7. Personal goal setting improves your effective use of time.
  8. Why? Well it ensures that your day-to-day activities are aligned with what really drives your long-term performance.

  9. You will use your time more effectively if you align your most important tasks with peaks in your bio-rhythm.
  10. Are you an owl or a fowl? Do you work better in the morning or in the evening? Find out when you work best and try to protect that time for your most important activities.

  11. Time management increases creativity.

All the best,


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