Use grocery shopping as a learning experience and for quality family time

by Jack

I have found grocery shopping a way to improve my family time management.

Each week our family goes grocery shopping and I use this to spend time with my children and to teach them about what is healthy or not.

We might compare different products and work out which ingredients have the least fat or sugar.

By making grocery a learning experience rather than something that just has to be done, my children are learning about what is healthy and what is not.

I have also found that my children, as a result of this process, are become quite interested in cooking with me as well.

I am also using grocery shopping to help my children with maths and money management. Just the other day, my older son asked “Is it on sale?” before we decided to buy it.

We also compared the cost per serving and ended up buying the one that was cheapest.

As a busy dad, I am looking for ways to spend more time with my children but also to teach them some important life skills.

Thanks for your tips in this website.


Kell’s reply: Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful family time management tips.

Money management, healthy eating, and maths…all in a trip to a grocery store!

Our lived experiences provide so many opportunities for learning and teaching that often we overlook. I look forward to using some of these tips in the future with my young boy.

I write more about family time management tips so that you can spend more time with the people that you care about most.

All the best,

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