To do list for a time management system

by Wan Latifah
(Kuala Lumpur)

To do list for a time management system is pretty obvious but we never pay attention and do as required.

I feel the checklist is a must and have it by my side all the time - pretty useful not to get into procrastination.

Kell's reply: Thanks for your comment Wan. A to do list is time management tool that has stood the test of time.

I find that it is nice to have a list to focus me on what I have to do. Also it is great to tick things off as I complete them.

I like it so much that I find I write completed tasks down just so I can tick them off.

However, a tradition to do list in today's world is not the best time management system to use.


Basically work has changed in the last 20 years. Most people have too much to do and not enough time and the consequence is a to-do list that ends up growing to an unmanageable length.

What is better is to do longer term planning and then bring this longer term planning into a time management schedule on a weekly basis.

This is to ensure that you protect your time for the big ticket items.

I talk more about this at Effective Time Management.

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