Time management tools to get the most out of your time

by Bobby

I am in the business of making the most of my time. I find that these time management tools are useful for me.

1. Have only a few tasks on your to do list. The last thing I want to do is to overload myself with all the tasks that I have to do. I find that by getting through a small to-do list I feel better and more energized.

2. Make sure that at least one task in a high value activity. This positive big task takes care of the 80-20 rule.

3. Do that high value task in your peak time. So if you are a morning person then make sure you do it then. This capitalizes on you being most alert for your most important task.

4. You won't have a chance to do all your activities so focus your time on those activities that bring most value to you. Ditch the rest.

I have found these time management tools have made a difference in my life.


Anonymous comment: There are better ways to save time nowadays. One tool in particular I use is an online timesheet by tsheets since it gives me a quicker way to tab in at work. I really find this very helpful.

Those tools you've mentioned also work great. Thanks for the additional information.

Kell's reply: I really liked your post Bobby.

Ensuring that you are at your best when you are doing your most important tasks is very important to being effective.

So ask yourself if you are an 'owl or a fowl'. If you are a morning person then get your most important tasks done in the morning to get the best results possible.

What are your most important tasks? They are those tasks that are on the right side of the Pareto principle

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