time management tool to track your time

by Andrey

A time management, result and process management tool, based on a chess-clock principles at http://Life-log.com.

The user just needs to think of his/her major activities or parameters to track, divide it in 4 groups by 6 (any number of such projects) and then start tracking by clicking on the right button when changing activity.

It takes just 2-5 minutes to fine tune it for ones need (or choose draft projects from the list).

Then one can get some analytics or export log into Excel file or send by email for thorough processing. Mobile agent works on S40, S60 Symbian cell phones/ Site is also accessible by windows mobile devices/i-Phone

Srabonicu's comment: nice post

Kell's reply: Tracking time is an important initial time management tool and if you don't like time tracking software then simply use a time management log.

However, the big problem with tracking your time is that most people just leave it at that.

However, you now have on hand objective data about your usage of time that really needs to be used to become more effective and improve time management.

This is why I write about a host of time management activities that leverage on this.

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