Time management tips

by Anu

Anybody can or might follow these time management tips to improve their time management.

Plan your work for a day, a week ,a month etc.,

A well set goal can take you there well ahead of time many a time.

Learn to do multi-tasking.

Take the help of your associates.

Try to avoid repeating the mistakes.

Split your tasks and proceed.

You can surely manage time!

Kell's reply: Thanks very much for your time management tips Anu. While many of these tips are very important, there are some that are more important than others.

Setting the foundations for excellent time management starts with personal goal setting because you have to have a clear idea of what is important to you.

The planning time management tip enables you to be proactive about how you choose to spend your time.

Without planning in today's work environment we are likely to get pulled into low value reactive tasks that give us a feeling of working hard but not getting any traction on your key projects.

I find in the work environment that weekly planning seems to work best. In this planning stage ensure that you block time out for your high impact activities.

I talk more about this at Effective Time Management.

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