Printable Time Management Sheets

Are you looking for practical time management sheets you can use today? These time management worksheets:

  1. Capture all of your tasks that you need to do in one place.
  2. Ensure that you not only get things done BUT get the right things done.
  3. Protect those vital few activities from the trivial many.
  4. Track your time and diagnose any time management problems.

Time management sheet #1: Capture all of your tasks

Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you pulled in many directions?

To reduce the feeling of stress and overwhelm it is important get all the tasks out of your head. So get all of the ideas that you have in your head, all the tasks that are sitting on post-it notes and other scraps of paper, and capture them all in a master to-do list.

No identify the logical next actions that you need to take in the variety of projects/tasks that you have on your short-term horizon.

Download your master to do list (PDF file).

Time management sheet #2: Align your day-to-day actions with longer term goals

Time management is not just about going quickly…as you can go quickly in the wrong direction! Time management is about making sure that you focus your limited time on those things that matter most to you, your family, or your company.

What I am describing is efficiency vs. effectiveness.Efficiency is like asking “how quickly can you climb the ladder?” while effectiveness asks the question “Is the ladder leaning against the right building?”

Now that you have written down all the actions on your master to do list I want to you think in terms of your long-term goals. If you don't have long term goals and short term goals that follow through, then it is difficult to prioritize your most important tasks.

The importance of a longer-term focus cannot be underestimated.

Download your 1:1:5 values-goals-action time management worksheet (PDF file).

Time management activity: Once you have completed this sheet for each of the goals that are important to you, look back on your master to do list and see how many next logical actions align with any of these actions that support your longer term goals.

See if you can add some of those actions that support your longer term goals to your master to do list.

Time management sheet #3: Protect the Big Rocks

While a 'to do list' was useful in my dad's time - and it is better to have one that not to have one today - there are better tools on the market for today's world of work.

Basically in today's world of work the average person has over 300 hours of unfinished work to do.This means that you can't do it all!

So you want to make sure that you are not going to miss out on those big rock activities. Your big rocks are those activities that are most important to you, your family, or your company. One characteristic of big rock activities is that these are the activities that we are most likely to procrastinate on.

For many people short term planning is done on a daily to do list. However, if you your planning on a daily list then you are leaving money on the table in terms of your productivity.

Successful people who are highly productive protect these big rock activities in their weekly planner and are single minded when it comes to focusing on these tasks.

Download your weekly planner tool (PDF file)

Time management sheet #4: Track your activity

Do you get to the end of the day and wonder where your day has gone? Are you overwhelmed and know that something has to change but you don’t know what?

If so, then you need to apply the magnifying glass to your time management and diagnose the problem.

This where tracking your time is useful – which can be done by conducting a time management log.

Download your time management log (PDF file)

If you feel that you are not spending enough time in certain areas of your life then it is time to set concrete time management goals with this time management worksheet.

Download your time management worksheet (PDF file).

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