Time management matrix advice

by Kerry

Some of the best time management advice I received was to ensure that I plan my work and then work my plan. While I understand this, in terms of the time management matrix (or Eisenhower matrix) I am unsure how this moves me from quadrant 1 to quadrant 2.

Can you give me some examples of this?

Kell's reply:
Thanks for your post Kerry. Basically planning your important things in advance reduces time in quadrant 1.


Because important things don't go away and without planning we end up in quadrant 1 of the Eisenhower matrix (time management matrix)

This is why being proactive (as opposed to reactive) is one of the best ways to go in terms of value for time. One of the first steps in getting more time in quadrant 2 is to do 'good goal setting'. Here are 5 steps to setting up your personal NAVMAN.

But life throws curve balls - and so roughly a third of our time can be in this space even with the best planning.

Below is a list of important things that are best done in a proactive way (in Quadrant 2), but if you don't attend to these things, then these important things become urgent and may turn out to be crises (Quadrant 1).

  • building relationships with family and friends (Quadrant 2). If not attended then time can be spent repairing relationship problems with significant others(Quadrant 1).

  • provide professional development for employees (Quadrant 2). If not attended to you may find yourself quickly train employees because of inadequate knowledge to do the job (Quadrant 1)

  • exercise and eat healthily (Quadrant 2). If not attended to, may lead to the doctor asking you to exercise and eat well to keep your cholesterol down (Quadrant 1);

  • plan and work diligently on an essay or exam study (Quadrant 2). If put off, it will result in me cramming the night before (Quadrant 1). I talk more about study skills

  • do routine maintenance on computers (Quadrant 2). If not attended to, it will lead to having to repair a broken computer and loss in productivity (Quadrant 1)

  • take time out to relax (Quadrant 2). If not respected, it may result in you taking a sick day from work because you need to de-stress (Quadrant 1)

I hope that these examples clarify things.

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