Printable Time Management and Students Activity Log

Print your time management and students activity log and find out how you really spend your time. Are poor time management habits eating away into your efficiency and effectiveness?

As a university lecturer I often hear students say:

  • “There are not enough hours in the day.”
  • “I don’t have enough time to get all my assignments done.”
  • “I am overwhelmed with all that I have to do.”

Despite the fact that many students are overextended a recent survey found that people waste 2 hours per day surfing the net, zoning out, and procrastinating.

“I don’t do any of these,” I hear you loudly protesting. “I never waste time...”

However, the truth is that we sometimes pick up poor time management habits that eat into our time.

Do you find yourself stressed and overwhelmed and know that something needs to change but you don’t know what?

If so, then you need to conduct an activity log.

A time management for students log identifies:

  • areas in which you are wasting your time
  • triggers that lead to these time-wasters
  • time that you spend on low priority tasks
  • areas of your life in which you can use your time more effectively.

Instructions for filling out your time management for students log

Download your time management and students activity log (PDF file).

After you have downloaded your time management log, follow these instructions:

1. Write down each activity. When you start an activity write down the activity (as accurately as you can) and the time started.

2. Enter the priority. If it is important then the activity has an A priority. Your most important activities should align with your student goal setting activities.

If it is somewhat important it has a B priority.

If it is not important then it is a C.

3. Identify urgent tasks. For urgent tasks, put a star next to the priority.

For example, phone calls, cramming for exams, or interruptions would have a * next to them.

4. Comment on each action. The more detailed the better.

How could the action be improved or what was your energy level?

Treat this as a challenge as it can be hard work.

Keep the time log for a few days and try to keep it for your entire day.

If you liked this time management and students activity log then you will also like this time management for students tips.

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