The importance of student time management

by abhishek

What is the importance of time management in a student's life?

Mohamadi’s response:

The most important problem in our life is how to budget our time and to prevent wasting it.

Jehnavi’s response:

Student time management is a proactive approach to making best use of all your available time.

By knowing when you have breaks between classes you can set aside that time to attend to study commitments.

By setting up a schedule this way you get to take control of your day-to-day student requirements.

This can help you avoid falling into the trap of 'goofing off' between classes and frees up your time at night for other activities.

Time management also allows you to set aside time for leisure and social events.

If you have your priorities attended to you won't find yourself in the position of having to skip social events that you have been looking forward to.

Bhai’s response:

In my opinion, the importance of time management cannot be underestimated. Without good student time management you are likely to procrastinate and fall behind on your study.

Kell’s response:

Hi Abhishek,

I think the importance of student time management cannot be overestimated.

When I was a student (and I was a student for 11 years at university) I found that time management was essential to juggle the many demands of student life, the assignment deadlines, exams, and organizing my schedule.

Time management allowed me to juggle the academic side of things with a social life and also work a couple of days a week in a demanding job.

Now, as a lecturer at university, my opinion has not changed on the importance of time management for students.

I think with the many distractions that students face makes it important to have a long-term perspective and develop a plan.

Once you have a plan it is equally important to have the discipline to then work this plan.

This is an important time management skill for students.

This important skill is also transferable to other areas of your life, with employers valuing employees who have good time management.

I talk more about student time management and how you can make the most of your student life.

All the best in your studies,


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