Take time out for yourself for work life balance
by Kerrie
Take time out for yourself for work life balance.
With so much to do I would work frenetically and rush home to feed and shower the kids - before crashing into bed.
I was not making any time for myself.
While I love my kids and enjoy my work, I was getting more and more worn down.
Now, rather than work at lunch, I take time out for myself.
Scheduling "me time" (if only for one hour a day) has meant that I can sit in the park and take a relaxing walk.
It has given my mind and body a chance to rejuvenate and I feel much more energized at work and home.
Kell's reply: Thanks so much for your post Kerrie. Scheduling "Me time" is so important to overall effectiveness.
I know if I don't go for a swim and paddle each morning then I get worn out at work and home. Having the "me time" was life saver for me also.
Too often we don't schedule "me time", we skip lunch, and rush from one meeting to another, but the consequence is that we end up performing at a lower capacity.
By scheduling time for yourself you give yourself a chance to rest, relax, or recuperate.