Succes with my time management log

by Joanne

I was a busy and stressed student who often thought that I didn't have enough time.

I didn't know what the problem was until I filled out your time management log.

With exams the following week and assessments due, I was keen to improve my time management.
But I didn't know where to improve my time management, I just knew that something just had to change.

I filled out a time management log for three days.

I was amazed at the results - I was spending 2 hours a day on Facebook and talking to friends for another 90 minutes - each and every day!

While I loved Facebook and also having a good chat with friends, with exams the following week and assessments piling up, this probably was not a good use of my time.

By filling out the time management log I was also amazed how it showed me how I procrastinated and put off tasks.

For example, about 1/2 hour into study I would look to turn on my TV or talk to friends.
I set a goal to reduce my time on the phone and the time spent watching TV.

I also identified other distractions (namely the automatic notification on her email) and managed them so that I could study without being interrupted.

Thank you

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