Free Study Skills Course
This free study skills course focuses on studying smarter (rather than longer) so that you can achieve better grades with less stress. To do this, this course focuses on three areas:
- student time management,
- self management, and
- strategies that capitalize on studying smarter.
As a university lecturer in Sydney, Australia who has an average of about 2,000 students a year in my courses, many of my own students tell me that they
- haven’t got time to do their readings
- leave their work to the last minute
- are stressed and overwhelmed as they lurch from one panicked deadline to the next
- cram and do all nighters
- feel guilty for taking days off.
I want to share with you some of the strategies and techniques to deal with these common issues.
What does this study skills course focus on?
Good study skills needs to focus on at least three areas:
- Time management is a skill that is critical to the student success. In lesson 1 and 2 we look at this in terms of the overview of your semester. You will map out your semester/term on an academic planner. But a plan is just a plan and so we need to get traction on this. To do this we introduce optimum short term planning tool that maximizes your chance to stay with it and primes your brain to study.
- In order to manage your time you must be able to manage yourself. If you have had the best of intentions to study but find yourself putting off your study then this lesson is for you. In Lesson 3 I look at procrastination and some of the things you can do to get stuff done.
- Studying smarter (rather than longer) is the holy grail of study skills. There is much current research that taps into neuroscience and studying smarter. In lessons 4 and 5 I provide some tips you can put into place today.
Study Tips
Study Skills Course
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