What Study Schedule Works Best?

What does Goldilocks' porridge and a weekly study schedule have in common?

They both hit the sweet spot...for Goldilocks the porridge had to be 'just right' and the bed had to be 'just right'. As it turns out setting your study schedule on a weekly basis is 'just right'. Monthly is too long, daily is too short....and weekly is juuuuuust right.

The weekly schedule is long enough to get your priorities in and short enough to deal with any unforeseen activity that life throws at you. It is the Goldilocks of short term planning.

As a student you are likely juggling many demands on your time and it can be easy to put the important difficult things off until the last minute...or even worse an assignment due date could slip through unnoticed.... 

No one wants to put their grades at risk because they forgot the due-date?

Weekly planning is key here.

Enroll in our Study Skills Course to Study Smarter (rather than harder)

In our free study skills course we provide a step-by-step approach (and a template) to set up your weekly schedule to study. We also provide a structured way that you can study smarter and improve your time management.

Why a weekly study schedule works

As a student you are probably juggling a social life, family commitments, study, and some work. So you are likely to have a lot on – and it becomes important to use your study time wisely by making sure that you’re studying in a way suits your brain. 

In your weekly plan you first want to fill in the main demands on your time such as:

  • face-to-face class times such as lectures or tutorials
  • any work commitments that you may have
  • personal commitments such as leisure or sporting activities
  • regular family commitments and meal times
  • sleep times.

After considering the above demands on your time you are left with the opportunity to consider the available time to study.

The key here is to try to set specific times in the day to study.


This primes your brain by creating a routine which helps in three ways.

  1. Like a favourite TV program, your study times will automatically be programmed into your daily schedule. 
  2. Study becomes easier as you don’t have to remind yourself to do it or waste a large amount of time and energy to avoid it. It has become a habit and you will just do it.
  3. It is better to have a series of smaller study sessions than a long cram session.

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