Student time management tip: Immediate Planning Strategies with Syllabus

by Marcie

I find this student time management tip very helpful.

When I get my syllabus for a class, I take the time to immediately write the required readings for the week on the date one-week before they will be used in class.

For my online courses I put this information on Sunday of the week before coursework begins.

I use a weekly planner so that I can see each Monday what is due that week and what has to be read by the next Sunday.

Then when I have access to the week's assignment list (Sunday morning), I add what needs to be completed and turned in on each day of that week.

This way when I open my planner, I can see at a glance what is required and due for each day of the week without turning any pages.

This student time management tip has helped me stay current with reading and assignments.

Also, as soon as I am given the study guides for the mid-terms and finals I begin copying and pasting information from my lectures and text into the appropriate portion of the outline or questions.

This way I only have to do a quick review of the study guide the week before the test because I have already done a secondary review when pasting in the information.

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