Printable Student Planners: Organize Your Time With a Weekly Planner

Student planners and weekly planners are essential tools for maintaining good grades.

The assignment is due when? Tomorrow!

We've all been there.

As a student you can juggle many demands on your time and without a student planner it can be too easy for an assignment due date to slip through unnoticed.

This is why it is so important to have good organizational skills as a student.

Who wants to put their grades at risk because they forgot the due-date?

It is so important to choose the right planner!

How to use your Weekly Student Planner

1. Download your printable planner (PDF file).

student planners

2. Fill in all the main demands on your time. This may include

  • face-to-face class times such as lectures or tutorials
  • any work commitments that you may have
  • personal commitments such as leisure or sporting activities
  • regular family commitments and meal times
  • sleep times.

3. Include the times when you plan to study, write, or proof-read your assignments.

Tips for using your Weekly Planner

1. Make sure that you enter the important dates from your academic planner into your weekly planner tool.

2. When you have blocked the time for your main demands you have a clearer idea of how much time you have left. This is important as it helps you to work out how much time you have for study. With those time slots plan your study related time.

3. For short time slots of less than hour: Look to review lecture notes, do shorter readings, develop an essay plan, or jot down notes for tutorials. So that you don't miss anything make sure that you look at your master to-do list.

4. For longer time slots of 1-3 hours of more concentrated study: Review notes in more detail, readings for courses, research and writing of assignments, revising for exams. To maintain your concentration please take a 5-10 minute break once every hour.

5. Have a flexible timetable. Having breathing space in your timetable. Your weekly plan is only a guide but life happens and unforeseen things can happen. By having breathing space in your timetable you can easily reschedule if you miss a time-slot.

6. Be realistic. My lecturer used to be fond of saying if you are socializing, working, and studying, all at once then you can expect that at least one of these things will suffer. If you are working in paid employment for 12 hours a day and attempting to a study a full-load then you are over-committing yourself.

Also try to be realistic with the amount of time you have scheduled to complete an assignment.

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