Stress can affect your body and mind in different ways. Know your stress symptoms and get more out of your day.
How do you respond to stress? Do you feel muscle tension, tight shoulders? if so then stress is affecting your physically.
Or perhaps you feel the emotions of stress? Such as feeling hassled or having a racing mind. Other psychological effects of stress include anxiousness, confusion, lack of attention and an inability to focus on a task.
Signs of stress occur at the physical or emotional level, and often manifest at the relational level.
Physical symptoms of stress can also be caused by other illnesses, so it is important to visit your GP.
The following physical symptoms may be increased by stress (note that this list is not all inclusive):
Emotional symptoms of stress can also be caused by other illnesses, so it is important to visit your GP.
Some emotional symptoms of stress are (list is not inclusive):
Knowing how you respond to stress is often a good place to start your stress management techniques because it allows you to put in place
Consider downloading a Stress Diary to Identify Your Causes of Stress
Stress affects your health and well-being.
This makes beating stress in your life a priority.
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