Speedy delivery of time management course

by Janet

Hi Kell,

Many thanks for the speedy delivery of the Time Management course.

I would suggest improvements but, to be honest, I can't think of a single one. I think the time management course was excellent and went beyond what I expected.

When I thought of time management before, it was always in terms of getting things done more efficiently but, from doing this course, the goal setting course before it and reading the superb articles on your web site, I can see there is so much more too it.

When you refer to "putting out fires", I see a lot of myself there sometimes, especially near a month end when it is especially busy (I'm an accounts assistant).

The advice on your time management and goal setting courses and the web site has been invaluable.

For a start, I have now started screening my calls, including ones from my boss. I always get back to them of course but, whereas before I'd jump to whatever they were looking for me to do thus losing focus on what I was actually busy doing, I now do things when I am ready to do them.

I can see now that it costs more time if you don't finish the job you are doing or, at the very least, stop at a more sensible point. My boss is actually OK with this because he has been a massive support in helping me since I started in this job just over a year ago.

The articles on stress were really good. I did actually come home with a bit of a headache the other day. I won't be wanting a repeat so am taking some of the ideas on board. When the slightly warmer weather returns, I am going to go for some walks at lunchtime just to get a bit of exercise and recharge myself. This will help also with the new fitness goal I am setting myself thanks to your goal setting course. I'm the sort that eats mostly things that aren't good for me and sometimes too much.

Using the idea in your course of setting
a goal, I have set one to lose a stone and a half of weight. I used the action plan to list some simple things I could do so that I would only need to cut back on certain things rather than stop enjoying them altogether. It has been working as I lost three pounds in two weeks.

It will no doubt go straight back on at my work's Christmas do tomorrow but I at least know I have the will power to make a serious effort to achieve the goal and that is down to your course because I certainly wouldn't have thought of so many ideas without writing them down.

I am also going to look at my finances in the new year using the financial goal setting templates. In a way, doing the course has given me a push to start already and I've actually set up a mobile phone contract and so will slash £20 a month off my mobile phone bill.

So, personally and professionally, the two courses and your web site have had a massive impact. I don't say this just to be nice by the way, I truly mean it. I think my next plan is to learn to write more concise emails. I do tend to go on once I get started.

Anyway, I will definitely not stop visiting your site and I notice there are places to post our experiences of what we have tried in terms of improving time management etc and whether it has worked, I will definitely contribute because the site has given so much to me, it is only right I give a bit back.

Many thanks once again for the courses and all the advice on the site, I hope I didn't seem impatient asking for the last two installments, apologies if I did, I hope your wife and baby get well soon and, once again, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Kind Regards

PS My desk and cupboards now resemble far less of a bomb site also thanks to the excellent advice on your articles.

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