Success in Setting Goals Begins with End in Mind

Setting Goals and the Questions You Need to Ask

Establishing your destination is key to getting anywhere at all. The same thing is true for setting goals and achieving them.

Some say things are invented twice – once in the imagination and the second time in reality.

Setting goalsIf you do not know what harbor you are seeking, no light will be enough to guide you

Lighthouse Goals are the initial invention - first created as a projection, an imagined idea or desired outcome. They light the way to our desired future.

The key here is to begin with the end in mind!

In the same way as you need a location to program your GPS, you need to be clear on where you are heading – even if the destination is new and unfamiliar. Hence the importance of imagination in establishing the co-ordinates.

Setting goals: Desired vs Required Outcomes

Depending on the nature of the goal (and often your position,) you may have more or less control over some of the lighthouse goals in your life. However, the value of projecting and envisaging the ideal outcome remains paramount.

It is the metaphorical moment where we decide the destination before we set the GPS.

Because we are human and sentient, we are much more likely to commit if we understand why we are doing something; even better if we want the outcome.  

This last criterion is not always a decision we get to make on our own – but at least if we understand why an outcome is meaningful, we can saddle up and get onto it.

If we have to build a project plan with half the budget we estimated, the outcome may not be the one we wanted but if we know that the saving will avoid someone losing their job we can reframe our thinking.

Soldiers heading to a war-zone or even a woman going into labor are not heading to great places – but perhaps the results are worth the running the course.

Ideally the perfect situation is that our destination is something that links closely to our values - Creating goals where you can pair up your effort with your core values is key. When you connect your goals to your values – self- motivation becomes your driver. 

Setting Lighthouse Goals: Some Questions to Ask Yourself

When determining your Lighthouse Goals, reflect on the following questions:

  • What is the desired destination and time-frame?
  • What does your ideal end game look like?
  • What outcomes do you want?
  • Why are these outcomes important and valuable?
  • Why would you start on this? 
  • Is this somewhere you really want to go?
  • Is this something that will assist you to get what you really need or want?
  • Given other priorities in your current situation is this realistic and desirable or too optimistic in the time-frame?
  • Are you looking forward to the journey or only the destination?

If you feel your answers are sufficient to rally to action, take care to articulate your goals in easy straightforward language that paints the destination so clearly that you can feel what it would be like to arrive at your desired place.

Next – set the Navman with the first part of the journey to achieve your goal – Get started now with the 5D approach.

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