Plan and organize family chores

by Leslie

Plan and organize your time with your family.

With four children life can get pretty chaotic for me. I have found that when I don’t plan ahead then I am stressed and more likely to snap at the kids.

I find I have to plan and organize ahead. If I plan my weekly menus, cook ahead and freeze the food then I get more quality time with my family.

I also like to have the family's weekly activities on the wall in the kitchen – this generally consists of the chore schedule, the family outings, or the times when the kid’s soccer or football games are one.

When I plan the kids chores, I like to have lots of color.

I use a a colorful whiteboard which has the children's favorite colors.
On a weekly basis we sit down map out the chores that we have to do, the family outings to take, and the activities that we want to do each week.

What is important is that each and every child has input and that it is fun. The more fun the better!

I also use this whiteboard to track their progress - which they seem not to mind too much.


Kell’s reply:
Thanks so much for you tips on organizing Leslie.

With four kids your organization skills are well honed! You really hit the point with sitting down on a weekly basis and planning the week. Importantly you are giving a voice to each child in the planning process and making it fun.
I find that weekly planning, whether it is at home or at work, can be a great way to reduce stress and get the important things done.

Here are some more family time management tips that could be useful to you and your family.

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