Maximize quality time for study

by Jamie

Study techniques maximize high quality time.

When studying I have identified 3 types of study.

My high quality time is when I am able to concentrate best.

I'm not tired, I am not being distracted, and I feel that I get things done.

My low quality time is when I'm tired, have many distractions, or am pressured and stressed by a deadline.

This is where I used to spend most of my study time.

Then there is parallel time. This is a type of multitasking - putting your lecture notes on your Iphone to listen to on the bus, or recording it to listen to in the car.

I have found that a good study technique is to maximize my time in the high quality area.

Hope this helps


Kell's reply Hi Jamie, this is a really important point.

If you know when you work best then it is good to ensure that you are doing your most important work at that time.

Similarly, if you know that after lunch is your low period well ensure that you schedule less important things at this time.

The take home message for good time management and excellent quality study is to know when you work best and ensure you are doing your most important work then.

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