managing homework time

by Carina

What are better ways to manage my homework time?

Kell's reply: Thanks for your post Carina.
That is a good question to ask.

One hat that I wear is a teacher at university, and one of the things I notice is that homework time could be more productive for students.

I think good homework habits are part of the whole package of student time management.

Now there are two ways to approach better student time management and more specifically homework time.

One is the bottom-up approach, the other is a top-down approach. I will explain the top-down approach to good student time management first.

The top-down approach to good student time management, and homework management, is about planning.

Planning will help you to juggle the demands of study, work, and social life.

The first step could be drawing up a plan of your semester or term, when you have classes and when assessments are due.

This will show you the busy time periods and help you to plan a weekly schedule.

After you have planned your weekly schedule you need to set a daily schedule...perhaps on a 'to do list'.

By planning your work and working your plan you effectively use your time and lower your stress.

Here are some sound principles of student time management.

The bottom up approach is about focus and getting the most quality in the homework time. This will involve:

  • determining when you work best and then scheduling time for homework then

  • reviewing and reading strategies for new information

  • how to make the most of classes, lectures, and tutorials

  • the benefit of using a planner

  • effective desk time.

These study techniques go into each of these areas in far more detail.


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