Learn to say 'No' without actually saying No

by Kell

2. Learn to say 'No' without actually saying No.

I don't know about you but I have trouble saying 'No'. But I (and my clients) have found that it is important to practice strategies to essentially say 'No' without being seen as blunt or as too assertive.

And this may involve practicing different phrases:

"look I have got a really full week this week can I have a look at my plan and get back to you in a couple of days as to whether I can do that task."

You could also show them your time management schedule which should be full of activities that are linked to your KPI's.

Another thing that could be said is:

"look I have some really urgent things on and I need to check in with my boss before I take on any more tasks."

One of my clients found that he was being asked to do things which were not really in his area of expertise.

In dealing with peripheral tasks we practiced saying:

"look I've got some really important things on this week I know that Gary is actually the person that can do that sort of thing for you if you want to go and have a chat with him and if he can't do that then come back to me and I'll see what I can do."

What about when your boss and other senior people in your organization are requesting

What if it is your boss that is requesting more work:

"look I understand you want me to do that particular task boss and I know that it is something that Kelly could do as well as I can and you've already set me these tasks so I prefer to stay on these key priorities if that is okay with you"

My client could also have said:

"I understand what you're asking me to do that but could you help me please. What I'd like you to help me do is that I am not quite sure how this relates directly to progressing towards my KPI's. Could you help me with that."

Alternatively you could show your boss your weekly plan or time management schedule and ask what is it your want me to drop.

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