Know thy time as a time management tip

by Chuck

Know thy time is an important time management tip.

A book that I just finished reading was "The Effective Executive" by a very famous coach Peter Drucker

In his book he has a chapter that is called “Know thy time” in which he recommends to:

1. Analyze your time.
2. Cut back unproductive demands.
3. Aim to complete tasks in large chunks of time.

I have found these things very useful for my time management.


Kell’s reply: Thanks for your time management tips Chuck. Here are some time management tools you can download to become more effective.

Analyze Your Time

Analyze your time with a time management log and you may find some surprises. You may find that you are spending too much time on email or those unimportant activities at the expense of high impact activities that move you towards your goals.
I have done this time management activity with hundreds of people and it takes discipline to keep at it for a week. After a week spend some time going over your time management log. Here are some time management activities that you can do with the data you collect.

Cut back of unproductive tasks

After recording how you use your time you hopefully have a clear idea of what is unproductive time and how you can cut this unproductive time from your day. Whether it is flicking through the TV, surfing the Internet, or just chatting around the coffee pot at work, these activities (while enjoyable). Ultimately you need to decide what is unproductive based on the work and personal goals that you have for yourself. For more ideas on goal setting see these goal setting templates .

Big chunks of time

About once a week I work with executives in high paying jobs who are stressed and overwhelmed with that they have to do. They work hard but can?t seem to get the important things done. Probably about the second or third thing I do is to look to reduce their distractions. Distraction on the email, batching tasks, and using their diary to schedule their time.

There is a lot of time management research that talks about the impact that distractions have on our productivity.

DomainDirectory’s comment: Great blog here. It is indeed important to set first your priority so that you will have to manage your time effectively.

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