I have a procrastination problem - What should I do?

by Marrella

Hi Kell,
I am procrastinating on something that I don't want to do?
I know that I must talk to my coworker Julie.

Julie has been on Facebook throughout lunch and most of the afternoon.

Julie is missing deadlines and is not a good example for others in the office.

I am not looking forward to confronting Julie and I have been putting it off and now others are following Julie’s example.

What is happening here?

Kell's reply

Hi Marrella, from what you have written it looks as though you are procrastinating about having a ‘difficult’ talk with Julie and the issue is unresolved and becoming bigger.

This is not unusual as many of us procrastinate when faced with a difficult task.

There are few people who enjoy personal confrontation. Here are a couple of steps one how to overcome procrastination on unpleasant tasks.

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