I am a college student and am looking for the best time management system?

by Jackie

I find that using a to-do list is a great thing for me.

I have a lot of things that are on - I have school work , practice and a social life. Plus I work on the weekend.

I find it best when I write the things that I have to do and then put them in order of priority.

I bought myself a planner and use this to keep track of the tasks that I have to do. I find that I seem to be less stressed and can get more things done.

Kell's reply:
Hi Jan,

Thanks for your very valuable contribution. A to-do list is a great way to get things out of your head and onto paper.
It is also great to tick off things as you complete them....heck I have been known to have written down some completed tasks just for the pleasure of ticking them off.

However, one of the problems with a to-do list is that we can be working hard and never really get through our list. This can be de-motivating...and a few days of this will lead to sheets and sheets of things to do.

More de-motivation!

I find that weekly planning and blocking your time on a time management schedule and having things that you plan to do in these blocked period of time is a great way to ensure that you work effectively.

The advantage of weekly planning as opposed to daily planning is that you are less likely to get pulled into reactivity and it is easier to focus on those things that drive your long-term performance.

Another great thing is that you get to see – at a glance – where you busy periods are and build in periods of rest.

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