How I use my weekly planner

by Arty

I use my weekly planner to ensure effectiveness in all areas of my life.

This is how I do it.

I have a long list of things that need to be done.

I call this my master project and tasks list - it is better off on paper than in my head.

I find I get stressed if it is in my head. When everything is on paper and I know how long things take then I feel more in control.

On this master list I have the expected duration of the next logical step on each task/project (in as specific detail as possible).

On this master list I ensure that I have various categories of my life covered.

For example, I make sure to have tasks/projects that are related to my role as a parent, as a member of the family, as an employee at work.

I do this to ensure adequate work-life balance.

I then list the 2 most important activities/tasks in each of the roles that I perform in over the next week.

I then re-arrange the calendar to accommodate these activities.

This makes sure that I get those most important things done first.

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