Here's a family time management tip: Have children participate in chores

by Sally

When I think of family time management tips I think of ways to spend more time with my children while also doing the household chores.

As a single mom I find it tough to manage my time working, keeping the house clean, and spending quality time with my two children.

But what I have found very useful is to do the chores together.

Now I know that I can’t expect Seb, my six year old to do the cooking but I have him set the table. I give him small tasks such as "can you get the butter from the fridge please". He is also able to help a bit more and load the dishwasher after meals.

Also with my younger one, who is just 13 months old, I have him help me fold the washing!!!

Now I might be a bit slower in the chores when folding washing with my little fella – but playing peekaboo behind the unfolded clothes is a great to have a bit of fun as well.

As a single mom I have found that coming family time with chore time has been a really useful way for me to spend more quality time with my children while at the same time keeping things tidy at home.
Thanks for all of your tips

Kell’s reply: Hi Sally. Thanks for your family time management tips.

I also have a 13 month old boy and get him to help me fold the washing – but shall try the ‘peekaboo’ with him.

You have found a way that works for you to spend more quality time with your children while at the same time juggling the family chores. Thanks for your tips.

At focus on the family I write more about family time management tips to give you more quality time with your loved ones.

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