3 Goal Setting Templates to Set and Achieve Your Goals

These 3 goal setting templates provide you with the tools to set, and more importantly, achieve your goals. 

Now LIFE goals sound really BIG and IMPORTANT...and can feel little overwhelming as well. However, with the right template you methodically break down the largest goals into smaller, more manageable bite-sized pieces.

goal setting templates

Why is this important....well because you are much more likely to achieve your goal.

These templates:

  1. take a staircase approach to goal setting,
  2. identify short-term actions and resources to support each goal,
  3. enable you to maximize your success by setting SMART goals.

When you put pen to paper and write goals down, you take your goals out of the abstract and make them concrete and real.

"The weakest pen is better than the strongest memory"

Des Moss

Goal setting template #1: The staircase approach

Whether you want to achieve financial goals, personal goals, health goals, or family goals; this template takes a long-term approach to your goals and then puts them into short term goals.

This template takes a staircase approach to your long-term goals:

  • At the 10 year level: The template asks you to identify your goals both personally, professionally, financially, and other over the next 10 years. What actions will support these goals.
  • At the 3 year level: Now that you have a vision of what you want to achieve in 10 years what do you need to do in 3 years to achieve this. It then asks you what actions support your goals?
  • In the next year: Now that you know what you want to achieve in 3 years, what do you need to do professionally, personally, or financially; to achieve this. What action steps do you need to take.
goal setting templates

People who have used these templates have said:

  • these templates keep their longer term perspective on the 'front-burner of their mind'. 
  • they feel more in control and more accountable for their goals because their long term goals are articulated into smaller, more bite-sized building blocks. 

Download your goal setting template (PDF file).

Template #2: What actions support your goals

Now that you have the stepping stones to achieve your long-term goals lets get granular on each of your goals.

Whatever your goal for next year (see previous template) you will likely have a number of actions that you will need to do to enable you to achieve this goal. Your next steps are:

  • Download your goal setting plan (PDF file) for each short-term goal that you want to achieve over the next year.
  • On this form identify the actions that support your short-term goal and the the target dates to complete each action.
goal setting templates

Template #3: Set SMART goals

It is important when you set long and short-term goals that you set SMART goals. But what are S.M.A.R.T. goals?

SMART goals are specific, measurable, action-based, realistic, and time bound. They are a proven method for maximizing your goal setting success.

Download your SMART goal setting sheet (PDF file).

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