Online Goal Setting Course

A good goal setting course can mean the difference between achieving success or not. Why spend years accomplishing what you could have done in a few months.

Did you know that 80% of goal setting studies in sport and business show improvement in less than 6 weeks?

These structured goal setting lessons focus your attention on what matters most for you. By taking a long-term vision and then setting SMART goals you build a life that is aligned with your priorities.

Goal Setting E-course

Whether you have a goal to

  • Land that dream job
  • Achieve financial security
  • Take your family on holiday
  • Pursue that passion that has atrophied with time
  • or just fit into last summer’s clothes

....mastering goal setting skills helps you achieve success.

You deserve everything you want and you can achieve it faster with these goal setting lessons.

What you get in this goal setting course

When you enroll in our course you receive:

  • One lesson of the course each day over the next 7 days shows you the importance of having a clear vision and the power of a goal setting plan.
  • Develop goal setting strategies that you can put into place to ensure success in achieving goals.
  • Master the skills of setting SMART goals, a proven method of maximizing goal setting success.
  • Download a number of goal setting forms and goal setting templates that you can use for writing goals and brainstorming strategies to achieve them.
  • Participate in goal setting activities that reinforce the core learning principles in each lesson.
  • Receive an invitation to receive our bi-monthly "Work Smarter, Not Harder" newsletter that keeps you up-to-date with the latest goal setting and time management ideas.

The principles of goal setting are the same irrespective of the type of goal that you set. This means that this course can be used for setting personal goals, career goal setting, setting goals for fitness and health, setting financial goals….or even a goal such as fitting into last year’s clothes.

Please remember that goal setting is a skill and like any skill that you are learning, it requires effort and a change of habit. These goal setting tips will help you to set and achieve your goals for today, tomorrow, and beyond.

If you liked this course you may also like this goal setting worksheet.

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