Goal Setting Activity Template

This goal setting activity template focuses you on what is most important to you and clarifies which goals you should set in work and life.

Why is this important?

Because there is principle, called the Pareto principle that says that 20% of your activity generates 80% of your results and that 80% of your activity generates only 20% of your results.

To be successful, you want to focus your time and effort on that 20% of activity that generates 80% of your returns.

This is why you need to set a few goals and develop a laser-like focus on them.

If you set 1-3 goals you are likely to achieve them. If you set 5-10 goals your chances of achieving them diminishes. If you set more than 10 goals you spread your focus too thin and it makes it difficult to achieve any of them.

Here I provide two goal setting activities.

1. The first activity focuses your attention on those goals that are most important to you.

2. The second activity gets you to identify the smaller actions steps to achieve this major goal you set in step 1.

Goal setting activity template #1: What are your most important goals?

What life domains matter most to you? On a scale rate each of your life domains in terms of importance on the following goal setting template.

Download this goal setting form (PDF file).

Alternatively, take out a piece of paper and write a paragraph describing the type of person that you want to be in each area of your life. These goal setting activities are great tools for brainstorming your thoughts on paper.

Goal setting activity template #2: Create supporting actions to achieve your most important goals

In the following sheet you are going to

Goal setting software can be a great tool to set supporting actions that acheive your long-term goal. Importantly they also have reminders and scheduling assistants so that you can build these important actions into your daily or weekly schedule.

1. Choose the most important life areas and write down the goals that come to mind.

2. Rank each of the goals that you have set. Use the ABC system, in which Priority A goals are those goals that are most important to you. Priority B goals are somewhat important to you. Priority C goals are goals that are not really important to you.

Note: Some of your top priority goals should be aligned with the most important life area that you have identified in the above goal setting activity - but check out this goal setting worksheet if you need a recap.

Activity to develop your supporting actions

Step 1: Download your goal setting plan (PDF file)

Step 2: Write your goal and its priority.

Step 3: To ensure you focus on setting SMART goals, write down how you are going to measure goal success.

Step 4: Write down all the action steps and the date to be completed.

Step 5: Put as many actions as you can into your weekly planner so that you make time for these actions in your weekly schedule.

Step 6: Tick and mark the date that you completed the action step.

Over the years of working with elite athletes, business professionals, and students, I have learned that setting and achieving fewer but more important goals has a snowball-effect.

As you start to achieve, taking small steps, your confidence and ability to set and achieve goals increases.

Soon, you have mastered a skill that puts you at the top of your field.

If you liked this goal setting activity you may also like these goal setting forms.

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