Free Time Management Software

Just looking for free time management software can be a big task in itself. There are 100's on the market. Chances are that you use a system at work to track your tasks (such as Microsoft Outlook) and another system at home such as a whiteboard on the refrigerator!

But the lines between work and life are getting thinner and it is becoming increasingly important to access tasks and projects on multiple computers and handheld devices across different platforms.

Basically you want to access all your tasks in one central spot from just about anywhere in the world.

Free time management software that I like are

  • Nozbe GTD software, 
  • Remember the Milk, 
  • and Rescue Time 

(please note that these software tend to have upgraded packages that do cost a penny or two).

Nozbe: free time management software

Are you looking for a web app for personal time management and project management? Nozbe is a GTD software that captures all your tasks in a central place that you can access from just about anywhere.

For me, many of my tasks and actions arise from email which is a cinch with Nozbe GTD software. You can take your tasks in your pocket too, with Iphone and Ipad compatability.

I really liked that way that you can assign tasks to others and then track the progress of the task through to completion.

If you are looking for a GTD enabled software program that aligns with David Allen’s Getting Things Done then Nozbe is for you.

Download your free Nozbe time management software here.

I review Nozbe more closely at GTD software.

Remember the Milk Software (Cost = Free)

Remember the Milk uses a Web based service that you can control. This means that you can consolidate your lists from work, home, or anywhere else, into one master list that is kept in a central place.

And because it is web based you can access Remember The Milk from just about anywhere.

By setting dues dates and creating priorities you can reduce your downtime by receiving email, SMS alerts, or reminders. You can even share and send these tasks to others.

I loved the way that Remember The Milk was able to be used with Google Calendar.

Rescue Time Tracking Software (Cost = Free)

Rescue Time is a free time tracking software program that tracks your time.

Being a web-based analytics tool and project tracker, rescue time management software can highlight your online timewasters and identify ways that you can use your time more effectively.

Download you free Rescue Time software here.

This software can be used:

  • as an employee time tracking device to identify sites that you waste time on (e.g. Facebook or MySpace)
  • voluntarily block sites when for your work period that you want to stay focused on your top priorities
  • as a diagnostic tool to improve your overall time management.

I review this Rescue Time free time tracking software here.

Related articles on time management software:

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