Delegating as a time management tip

by Shannon

My husband and I have an empty nest. But it seems as though we have a house of 5 or more. I was getting stressed out at work and making mistakes in normally wouldn't, not paying attention to our finances at home, not to mention no partner time.

House cleaning seemed to be on the bottom of the to do list. And God forbid if my husband promised to take care of a task and 2 weeks later it is still not done.

So, I decided to take the money we use to eat out with, and hired a cleaning lady. Once a week at $25.00 per hour (3hrs) is well worth it. Oh, we also hired a lawn guy. The last time I cut the lawn, I felt like I was going to fall out and not get up! I feel a lot better because now I am prioritizing tasks and getting lots of rest.



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