Confusion about time management skills

I use time management skills in working in aged care and at home, but lately they haven't been working for me and that's why I choose to do this course to help me to build better time management.

I write down in a diary or on paper what needs to be done and then I tick it off, but things have been getting on top of me and sometimes I don't know where to start or when I do start I can't see what I've achieved.

Kell's reply: Keeping a to do list is a common way to keep a track of the things that need to be done.

Keeping a to-do list is a great way to get things out of your head and onto paper, and it feels good to tick things off once you have done them.

But the problem with to-do lists in today's world of work is that after a hard day's work we may only get through half of the to-do list.

This is not only frustrating and demotivating but it also means that these tasks get put onto the next days list.


In today's world of work we can't do everything.

I know that it is difficult to accept, but most people are confronted with 200 things with only enough time to do the first 100.

What this means is that you need to adopt a different approach to time management.

The first step is that planning should not occur at the daily level - this will just such you into reactivity and crises.

We recommend 90 day plans that filter down into a weekly plan that you put into a time management schedule.

I talk more about this at effective time management.

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