Complete Focus & Concentration Leads to Success

by Gayathri Bala
(Chennai, India)

It is been interesting to note that Time Management is not the way to work harder and longer but work smarter and effective to accomplish more productive results.

When I was concentrating & cooking for 30 people who are invited for a get-together I finished within 3 hours and the end result was tasty and the customers were happy.

It created more energy for me & as well us to the customers.
What I learnt was

1) Have A goal
2) Have a Time frame
3) Focus & concentration
4) Enjoy what you do.
5) lead to win-win situation

Kell's reply: Congratulations Gayathri. It is interesting that when I work as a time management consultant that people often think that time management will reduce creativity and make them into person with machine-like qualities.

However, nothing could be further from the truth. Time management is not so much about working harder or faster, but rather smarter.

It is about making a conscious decision around what is important (i.e. point 1 above), ensuring that you spend time on that important task (point 2 of yours), and the time that you spend on it is focused and present (point 3).

I truly believe that when you are doing something that is meaningful to you that it brings happiness (point 4 of yours) and leads to what you call a win-win situation.

Thanks for sharing with us Gayathri


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