College time management tips

by AJ

Do you have any college time management tips?

I have just started a full time semester at university and having trouble juggling my activities for my new schedule.

I'm a very routine-driven person and am having trouble adapting to the new schedule.

Kell’s reply: Hi AJ, I work as a lecturer at a university and as a time management consultant.

One of the things that I often see is that students have a hard time adjusting to their schedule.

Too often I see good students leaving things to the last minute, only to increase their stress and hand in work that is poor quality.

Many students would benefit from good time management.

Good time management allows you to juggle your activities and stay on top of things.

First up, I would like to point you to a student time management course that could be beneficial for you.

Basically time management is about having an idea of where your time goes and how you want to spend your time.

One of the first things that would be beneficial is to plan.

Get a schedule of your semester and jot down all the assignment dates, exam dates, and other important engagements or social functions.

This overview provides you with an idea of potential bottlenecks of activity.

Then download student planners at the weekly level to schedule your activities.

A weekly plan is then the stepping stone to creating a daily time management students to-do list of activities for your study. It is important that your activities are done in order of priority.

There are many other things that you as a student can do to improve your time management and success at college.

These include overcoming procrastination to effective study techniques.

I hope that this helps.

Let me know if you have trouble adjusting to the routine and then we can look at the specifics of what is difficult.

All the best

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