Beating procrastination - break into chunks
by MJ
I am a massive procrastinator. I used to put off my study when I was a student and now I procrastinate at work on the Internet.
It got to be such a problem, that procrastination was really causing me alot of stress at home and at work.
I have found that one technique to beat procrastination was to break the task into smaller bits. I have found this really helpful.
I like your goal setting course. Thanks MJ
Kell's reply:Thanks for that MJ. "How do you eat an elephant?"...
"One bite at a time."
When you have a large task it can often feel insurmountable, and this feeling can lead to procrastination. By breaking the job into smaller, more bite-sized parts, you are much more likely to get things done.
To add to this, research shows that if you are more specific about the bite-sized chunks, and block the time in your diary, you are much more likely to do it.
Because you have made a personal commitment to do it and scheduled a time for when you will do it.
Here are some more tips for
overcoming procrastination.