Beat procrastination today by making small changes

by Jim

I asked myself "How do I beat procrastination?" and make the change that I want to make.

You see, I don't like my job and don't think I want continue in the job.

I didn't know what I was passionate about and I think this was why I procrastinated for so long.

So what I did was I went out and bought a notebook.

I payed attention to what I liked and didn't like.

What was I enthusiastic about?

What interested me?

After about 2 weeks of just keeping notes I realized that I was getting more positive about making a change. I felt I was building a positive energy around change.

I still haven't changed my job but I know what I am interested in and now I am looking for the changes that I need to make.

Kell's response

Thanks so much for sharing your personal insight Jim. Beating procrastination, like most habits requires much effort and insight.

I think that by taking small steps in a positive direction is a great way to start looking for change.

Often procrastination occurs because the the task we want to do (in your case change the job) can be a very big change.

By finding ways to make the change in small ways is a great way to beat procrastination.

Your procrastination tip has inspired me to look at the different areas of my life - family, lifestyle, career, personal growth, fitness - and look for the small changes that I can make today.

Thanks for your tip Jim. I write more about beating procrastination here.

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