Attaining Balance in Your Life

by S Wilson
(long beach ,MS)

what are the problems of not attaining balance in life now that i am a full time college student? How does this affect my success?

Nov 30, 2010: Kell's response to attaining balance

Hi S Wilson, this is a good question.

Attaining balance is becoming increasingly difficult in a world in which it seems natural to be confronted with a dozen things that have to be done now.

My memories of being a full time student was juggling many different demands in my life, which can cause stress.

One of the problems with not having balance is that you can climb the ladder of "success" only to realize that the ladder is leaning up against the wrong building.

Balance ensures that this is less likely to happen. Good stress relief strategies and a personal goal setting plan can help to achieve and maintain balance.

Download this goal setting worksheet to examine the different areas of life in terms of balance.

All the best


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