Academic Planner: A Key Student Time Management Tool

An academic planner allows you to plan both their upcoming semester schedule and personal commitments.

Have you ever got half way through your semester and realized that you have exams, study, unread readings, and assignments? Not to mention Aunt Mildred's birthday that you promised to go to! ☺

These types of bottlenecks of activity create stress!

You know the saying:

Plan your work and then work your plan

Well it is true for students too....however, many students fail in the upfront planning piece.

By planning your work into an visual student planner that has a prominent space you reduce your stress. You also give yourself a map of your term and where you will be at full capacity.

academic planner

But did you know that the quality of your output is better?

That's right...with planning you are more likely to write better assignments and score higher marks....all with less stress.

Sounds like a no-brainer but few students do this.

Get your academic planner

You should be able to download planners from your local educational institution.

If not, then a good start is to download and print out this planner (PDF).

What to put in your student planner

Put those deadlines or fixed commitments that across the term.

These may include:

  1. your assignment due dates and how much they are worth in the semester plan.
  2.  exam dates for each of your subjects
  3. any personal obligations such as sporting commitments or birthdays that you have promised to attend in the timetable....yes this includes Aunt Mildred's birthday ☺

As a student, you will need to consider organizing your work and your life around these important deadlines.

A key tip to student success

While you have map of your academic is pie in the sky until you start working towards it. A key to student success is to plan at the weekly level. This is the Goldilocks of short term planning.

See how we explain this and many other strategies to study smarter rather than harder in our free study skills course.

Related student time management and study skills articles

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