A family that cooks and bakes together stays together.

by Jenny

A family that cooks and bakes together stays together.

I am not so sure of this, but I have found that cooking and baking together is good family time management.

One wet rainy days, when the kids are cranky and not able to play outside we have found that cooking delicious cakes and lots of fresh foods together is a great way to spend our time.

My two young children not only learn about the different measurements but we have a great time measuring out the flour and the milk.

While being a bonding experience it is also a learning experience in which I get to teach them some time management - which I happen to be passionate about.

For example, if we take the measuring cup as a parable for our time - with only a limited amount of time there is only so much that can fit into a day.

More than one cup of flour in the 1-cup measuring cup will cause overflow.

I use this parallel with time - more than X amount of activities in the day will cause stress and over-scheduling!

Kell’s reply: Hi Jenny, what a great parable of time management.

I shall have to use this with my own kids.

It is similar to a parable that I use as a time management consultant, which is also known as the big rock story.

Here is a link to that time management story .

All the best,

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