4 options for overcoming procrastination

by Kell

Overcoming procrastination is difficult because beating procrastination is about changing personal habits.

Here I provide four options to overcome procrastination.

1. Stop procrastination by yourself. This is a hard route to follow as it usually involves a trial-and-error approach that involves 'to-do lists', New Years Resolutions, and many failed attempts. This website provides you with all the information to overcome procrastination – but if you want to use your time most effectively there are more structured approaches to beat procrastination.

2. Attend procrastination seminars. I have attended a number of procrastination seminars (in my continuing professional development as a psychologist) and these seminars are often good value for money. They also provides a feel-good feeling but is less likely to get to the root causes of your procrastination and less likely to result in substantial long-term changes.

3. Do an online procrastination course. I have tried a few procrastination courses online from a personal perspective and also as a professional (I am a psychologist and look to find a course that I give to clients). Obviously there are big differences between free courses and paid courses.

You can download this free procrastination course or pay for a more involved course that gives you structured exercises over 21 days. What I really like about this 21 Day Procrastination Challenge is that it gets to the heart of why you procrastinate and then gives you step-by-step strategies to beat procrastination.

This is important as it then gives you the tools to make systematic and long-term changes in your procrastination habit.

After completing this Procrastination Challenge Course I learned more about my procrastination habit and was able to put in place step-by-step strategies to stop procrastination.

4. Do nothing. If you do nothing then it is likely that nothing will change and procrastination results in increasing stress and not achieving your potential. As Albert Einstein said:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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