Free Time Management Forms

These 5 time management forms are essential to your time management success. They  capture all your tasks, protect your time, and take control of your projects today.

These forms include a:

  1. time management log to track your time
  2. time management worksheet to ensure you are spending adequate time in each area of your life
  3. printable to do lists to capture all of your tasks
  4. weekly planner tools to take control of workflow
  5. goal setting form to weave a life that is aligned with your priorities.

Form #1: Time management log

Do you feel overwhelmed or missing deadlines? Are people chasing you for work that you have forgotten?

These are symptoms of time management problems.

Many people are stressed and overwhelmed and they want to make a change but don't know where to start? You don't have time for a 'trial and error' approach to time management!

You need to download a time management log.

time management log

See these instructions for downloading and filling out a log and diagnosing what your time management issue may be.

Free time tracking software

If you find a time management log tedious, then download this software to run in the background and record your time on different tasks. It is also a good tool to block certain sites so that you can focus on what you have to do.

Form #2: Categorize your time

It is great to be efficient, but efficiency without effectiveness is like driving very quickly in the wrong direction.

Being effective can occur on a number of fronts but at its most basic it is about spending sufficient quality of time on those things that matter most to us at work and home.

This may be the time spent on key projects at work, or the time spent pursuing your passions outside of work.

While a time management log is useful for tracking your time and diagnosing potential time management problems such as interruptions, procrastination, and too much time on low value tasks; if your concern is more about the amount of time that you are spending in different areas of your life, then you need to track the 5-10 important areas of your life.

Download a time management worksheet (PDF). See these instructions for filling out this worksheet

Form #3: A Printable To List

A 'to do list' has stood the test of time! It is one of the oldest and simplest time management tools on the market.

When I ask my clients how they manage their time they overwhelmingly respond with a "to do list". This weekly master to do list is a must to get things out of your head an onto paper.

Download a master to do list (PDF).

Form #4: A weekly planner

Do you plan your work and then work your plan? One of the characteristics of successful people is the ability to plan their work and then ensure that that work gets done.

Whether it is an annual plan in these time management exercises or a or a quarterly check-in to track your progress, having a plan focuses your attention.

Most people's work revolves around weekly activities which is why, in today's world of work, that a weekly planner is often better than a daily to-do list.

I think that this is one of the most important time management forms as it gives an overall view of what you need to get through and any possible bottlenecks in activity.

Download your weekly planner (PDF)

Form #5: Time management forms to align your priorities with your life

Time management is often focused on getting quicker and more efficient. The problem with this is that you may climb the ladder only to realize that the ladder is leaning up against the wrong building.

This is why it is so important to take the time to think about what matters most!

To identify your most valued pursuits it is important to have a clear long-term vision....having vision gives you direction and purpose in your activities. These forms provide you with annual, weekly, and daily activities to ensure that you align your priorities with your life.

If you liked these time management forms then you are likely to also enjoy applying them to these solid principles of effective time management.

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