My Time Management: Your Guide to a Balanced, Productive Life

Over the last 20 years, I have worked to improve employees' time management and productivity in many workplaces. It is very rare for people to come up to me and say, "Hey, I have got plenty of time and not much to do." In my experience, so many people feel stressed, under constant time pressure, and overwhelmed by their many commitments.

As a result, people often work harder and longer, often at the expense of spending time with family and friends, often at the expense of their health and well-being.


My motivation for writing this website is that I often see people in workplaces who are 'stressed' to their eyeballs. I observe that the common causes for this are:

  • spending 2-3 hours and more reading and responding to emails,
  • being interrupted all the time, which means that they can't get to their high-value tasks,
  • Attending too many unproductive meetings,
  • Spending too much of their day looking for that email or document that has that critical information,
  • Multiple handling emails and tasks,
  • Procrastinating on your big-ticket items.

In my experience, I have seen that this can impact people in a few different ways. First is that sleep is interrupted as they wake up in the middle of the night worrying about the things they haven't done. Second, they have this nagging feeling that they are losing sight of your long-term personal ambitions, and third, that they are not spending enough time with their family and friends.

My purpose in providing this website is to offer a range of strategies to work smarter. To manage time, lead a life of value, and experience the satisfaction of achievement and pride in your accomplishments.

So, if you, like so many of us, feel you have inadvertently joined the new generation of techno-slaves, welcome! Or if you just want to get the very best out of your days, welcome!

Where should you start your time management journey?

Where should you start your time management journey?

If you know something has to change but are not sure what - then consider doing this time management quiz.

However, you probably have a sense of what your pain points are, so we have provided a list of tactics to choose from when wanting to improve your time management. These tactics offer clear, concrete strategies and techniques for improving time management and productivity.

Start where you feel the pain the most. Then, each strategy you apply below will strengthen your resolve to go further and build a habit of progress rather than perfection.

Too stressed to focus


A brain flooded with cortisol simply can't think straight. Here are a number of techniques you can put in place to alleviate the stress that is getting in the way of you using your time well – and on the way, feel a lot better.... Read more

Overcoming procrastination


Are you a specialist in action avoidance? A wiz at justification? A maestro of excuses? Find out what kind of procrastinator you are and put in strategies to get stuff done....Read more

Workplace time management

workplace time management

In the last 20 years, we have found that in our face-to-face sessions with leaders across multiple industries that, these techniques can unlock your potential, increase your productivity, and give you an extra hour per day on high-impact activity...Read more

Master your inbox


Email can be where efficiency meets communication, turning every message into a productivity powerhouse. But more likely, it is a sinkhole that can swallow up to 30 hours of your week and derail your focus. Plug it now and stop the drain strain. Here are ten tips to get on top of email today.... Read more

Set and achieve your goals


There is a highway for getting the right things done - effective goal setting sounds cliché – but here is how you get rubber on the road. As with every road trip, you start with a clear set of directions and a good, easy-to-read map. Simple right? Achieve your goals in five steps.... Read more

Work-life balance


If only I had more time is a common catchcry of the chronically time-poor. Personal time management is about getting off the treadmill of jumping from crisis to crisis and taking control of your tasks, your day and your life. Here are some strategies to keep up your energy for work and play and nurture the people and pursuits nearest and dearest to you....Read more

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